Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

My aim is to help create good jobs and to nurture talent in the people who want those jobs.

As your Assemblymember, I prioritize the expansion of vocational, career, and technical education programs that furnish the skills needed to develop career goals and score high-wage jobs.

For our district to thrive in the rapidly changing global economy, we need to cultivate new industries (technology, clean energy) and invigorate the existing ones (sports, entertainment, transportation). For that reason, I authored Assembly Bill 987 (signed into law) to help build the new state-of-the-art Los Angeles Clippers sports arena in the City of Inglewood, creating thousands of jobs and generating millions in public revenue for vital services for our region.

I worked to ensure the budget extends California's earned income tax credit--a cash rebate to low-income workers--and increases free childcare and preschool slots for working families.

I've partnered with the MTA on an expansion of the Metro Crenshaw Line to bring greater public transportation access and quality jobs to our district.

"My aim is to help create jobs."
